Performance Improvement

Performance Improvement

In a competitive environment, all organizations, sick and healthy, seek performance improvement. Improving the performance of organizations usually begins with an appraisal of performance (i.e. finding out what was achieved against plan and the reasons behind it).  It may also involve changing the company’s organizational structure, adopting cost control measures, introducing productivity improvement strategies or changing the culture of the company.  At the higher levels, it may involve the adoption of quality as a business philosophy in order to be able to meet the standards of Multinational Corporation (MNCs) and foreign associates.  This is in the area of Total Quality Management (TQM).  On the other hand, a company may need to restructure its business processes in order to reduce waste and cost and create a “new” organization that is customer focused.  This is referred to as Business Process Re-engineering (BPR).

Our Performance Improvement assistance is given through the following services:

  • Business reconstruction and unbundling, reactivation and corporate recovery
  • Institutional Strengthening
  • Needs assessment and prioritization
  • Productivity improvement
  • Performance appraisal
  • Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)
  • Organization restructuring
  • Development of cost control and profit improvement programs
  • Culture and Attitude Surveys
  • Total Quality Management (TQM)

Bashorun Olanrewaju

Managing Consultant - Advisory
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